Yeah, yeah...I know...I'm a total wuss. But the first big snow of the season always has me a little white-knuckled - mainly because so many stupid people forget how to drive in the stuff. Me and my kickass truck - we do just fine. Took about an hour, including scraping and brushing six inches of snow off the vehicle in the work parking lot. Yes, I'm that wacko in the four-wheel-drive who does about 25mph. Pass me if that bugs you. I'll wave to you in the ditch.
On to more pleasant topics, look at the pretty snow...
Don't get me wrong. I love snow. LOVE IT. I don't even mind shoveling it. What I *DO* mind is having to go to work in it. In my opinion, everyone should have a snow day every once in a while.
What's even funnier is that I'm usually the ONLY one in my department who makes it to work on time when it's snowing...and I'm from Georgia! Others come in hours later, due to "harsh road conditions."
If ever I wanted to play my "but I'm just a sweet, helpless Southern gal" card, this would be it. But I don't. Because I kick ass. Me and my truck.
I am so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clarifcation: "You and your DODGE!" Yeah!
You do kick ass! And you'd kick ass even more if you'd make a small snowman for me! I miss playing in the snow.
You totally rock. But I already knew that. :-)
I love how the truck is now HERS. It's cute actually, now that I've gotten over the whole possession thing. I'm much more satisfied with a wife who likes to kick-ass in a truck rather than one who won't drive in snow because her BMW might get scratched >;-D
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