Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I Stare At It All Day...

I recently had a conversation with a friend about spending time online at home. She mentioned that she stares at a computer all day and doesn't want to deal with it in her down-time. I began to think about this - as I certainly do stare at a PC all day - and I realized that my online time at home has become increasingly important to me.

I'm not a gamer. I'm not in an online romantic relationship with anyone. I do not sit at my PC (and new Mac!) like a veal, exposed only to limited light and communication. But I truly value my online friendships and conversations.

My best friends live 1,000 and 3,000 miles away from me. I've known a couple of them since I was five. We shared kindergarten. We shared CSHS marching band. We shared road trips that will be forever etched in my mind and heart (Sapelo! San Francisco!). We are closer now than we've ever been - because of email and blogs. How else would I marvel at the beauty that is the newborn Louis or pause for prayer and love at the most recent thoughts from Evan's Garden? I will gladly stare at a computer a little longer for that.

And then there are new friends. My freshman crush and ultimate heartbreak provided me with a friend for life. I just didn't realize how short his life would be. Rob Brese passed away in 2004, and while searching for some understanding, I found Snarkland. She and her friends knew and loved Rob as well. I stalked her blog for a while, and then we were friends. Just like that. We've met several times (and I've met many lovely people as a result), and that friendship continues to grow. I can't imagine not hanging around a bit online for that.

I get emails from my wonderful nieces. I get Facebook notifications from friends I'd always loved - just lost touch with. I get blog hits from strangers wanting to renovate their homes.

Yes, I do spend too much time online. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You beautifully summed up why I am so engaged with my computer. It has provided me a link to support, memories and friendships that wouldn't exist otherwise! I love my computer. All my friends live in it!
Love you! Kristin