Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Great Birthday Start...

So, yeah. The boys decided to give me a birthday present this morning, and they cared enough to leave it right outside my bedroom...

Mousie #1 of 2008. Oh, joy.

At least we had a good time last night - tried out a recipe from a Food Network show on lasagna...
It was quite yummy, and we have enough for days and days.

My birthday celebration will consist mostly of folding laundry, paying bills, and possibly fixing a totally FUBARed mistake on a knitting project that I just can't bear to look at right now.

Many thanks for the birthday wishes!

1 comment:

jacquieblackman said...

Happy birthday!!

I hope you get lots more... urrrr... gifts. I guess I really want you to get the gifts you want. How does that sound? ;-p