...well, mostly...
Our master bath is, for all intents and purposes, fully functional. There are just a few nit-picky items remaining, and we'll probably be taking our time with those things. Because we're poor. And tired. And poor.
First, the sink...TA-DAAAAAAAH!

The plumbers came by yesterday and hooked up the connections to the sink. This is the vanity we fell in love with almost a year ago, and it's finally complete! The only thing is that we can't use the sink stopper thingy - the basins are extra deep (and lovely, oh-so-lovely), but the doohickies that connect the stopper thingies to the pull-stop-doodads is for a standard basin. So we have to find longer doohickies. No matter. The sinks are perfect, and made even more complete with our
Snarky Soap! Also, we decided to nix the backsplash - not only was it the exact height of the molding (and looked weird), but it emphasized the unevenness of the wall. No worries - no backsplash needed! Now if anyone needs a weird strip of granite, give us a call...

A view from the toilet area - please don't mind the laundry on the bed or the salt container on the sink. I'm a phlegm machine this morning, and I've been gargling with the stuff pretty much all day. Oh, yum.
Here you can really see the difference between the refinished floor and the old floor (in the bedroom). The old floors still have the 100+ years of layers upon layers of polyurethane (or whatever they used) - and in some instances they didn't even bother sweeping before they coated the floor. So it's darker, rougher, and kind of orange. We're eventually going to redo all the floors. Just not all at once. Of course, we still need to paint the door, too. NOT a priority.

View from the doorway. We still need to box in that ductwork above the toilet, but it's just cosmetic. We also want a glass enclosure for the shower, but we've got some thinking to do about that - as well as some savings too.

Linen cabinet and new hamper. We're still undecided about what kind of window covering. In the daytime, we really don't need anything. But when I shower in the morning it's still dark out, and I fear I would give the kids going to the bus stop the shock of their poor little lives.

And a shot with all the lights on. The flyover/task lighting on the vanity is really nice. All other lights are CFL and, while they take a while to warm up, are perfect for the area.
A far cry from this, eh?

Hooray to Joe - he did 90% of this all by himself. I'm a lucky, lucky gal. :)
Amazing!! Joe rawks!!!!
Yeah, Joe R-O-C-K-S!!!! Congrats on a fantastic accomplishment! Y'all did an amazing job picking out all of the fixtures and colors. You will enjoy that room for many years to come! Nice Job!
Looks great! I really love that vanity. One of these days we're going to have to get our butts (and all of the rest of us) up there and see all of your work up close. Oh, and see you guys, too. :)
It looks so great, so much more great when all put together. I mean, the in-progress pictures looked nice, but the all-done pictures look amazing!
I'm so jealous.
i locE all the light!
OMG, it's beautiful! I can't wait to pee in that pot again! =)
That is a fabulous change. I love the french blue colour (and I dont even like blue!)
Great job!
Oooh, baby, I love it when you talk all technical! Longer doohikies and pull-stop doodads--nice! When are you headed to our side of the pond? Hope you are well! "Hi" to Joe from me! Is he still brewing?
Pete Newby
OMG, frelling fantastic! We are all so cracking open a bottle of champagne in that bathroom come October. Tell Joe that my hat is totally off to him; he is THE MAN!
Oh, Beth! It looks absolutely beautiful!!!!
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