Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The excitement from this morning quickly evaporated into sleepiness this evening (now having been up for 20ish hours), as my family's flight was delayed for over 30 minutes, and I just talked to them not too long ago as they stopped for coffee and some food. Probably another 90 minutes or so until they get here. It's 11:30. I picked up the turkey, put sheets and blankets on beds, made up the couch for my brother, put together the ice cream cake portion of the Mocha Baked Alaskas (they do rock), baked 2 pecan pies, am letting them cool, started knitting, realized I was too tired to knit...

Yes. You read that correctly. I'm too tired to knit.

Called the only people I know on the West Coast, and they aren't home, checked a napping Joe to make sure he's still alive, obsessed about the strange noise coming from our furnace (of course at 20 degrees tonight it's acting funny). And now I'm blogging.

And if I might take a few moments from my frivolous rant...if you're reading this, please think of a very dear boy - Evan - and how much his family loves him and wants him to get well. The next few days are crucial. If you pray, pray. If you don't, then send every positive thought and virtual hug his way. I've known his mother since she was just a tad older than he is now, and my heart aches for her. Pammy and Evan, we love you.

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