You see, I had this grand plan of making a Hedgie for my SP9 pal. Done in a favorite color, maybe holding toothpicks-as-knitting-needles...something homemade and fun. And because hedgies are one-size-fits-all, I figured this would be a good idea. After all, I'd made about a half dozen, right?
Well, you live, and you learn.
It seems that even though I have experienced many different felting happenings, I haven't lived them all. I'd been using Fun Fur for every hedgie thus far, with 100% success. I ASSUMED (yes, I know what it makes out of you and me, you freak) that the Bernat Disco, since it had similar wash/care instructions, would be just as good. And sparkly, even.
Well, somewhere between now-I-have-a-non-agitating-washer-so-it-takes-longer and sparkly-things-don't-do-well-with-hot-water, I discovered a problem.
The sparklies are okay, I guess, but there's a lot of matted darkness going on. Like dreads gone horribly wrong. After the hedgie dried, I immediately thought of two things: Damien from South Park and Quato from Total Recall. You simply cannot understand how gross this fur looks in person. So there was only one thing to do - Make the Hedgie from Hell...
(cue Carmina Burana O Fortuna)
Hedgie's evil twin. I laughed out loud. I'm still laughing! Hee hee!
It looks like it has a unibreast. Or a potbelly. Or something.
Love the nostrils!
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