Saturday, June 09, 2007

What to do...what to do...

This next week will be picture-less, because Joe took the camera with him on a business trip.

To Alaska.

Yes, that mo-fo went to freakin' Alaska, and he's getting paid to do it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go with him (unless it was just for the weekend, and who honestly wants to spend $800 for 16 hours of round-trip air time for just few hours of enjoyable time), so I'm at home with no plans other than letting the furniture delivery guys into my neighbor's house later on today.

I need to go over to the plumbing supply place and put in our orders for toilet, sink, shower walls, etc. But I don't feel like doing it now. I desperately need to train more for the MS Ride, but I don't feel like doing it now. I really need to clean the house - the kitchen is a wreck, and the litter boxes need changing. But I don't feel like doing it now.

Sense a theme here? Very blah today. Hot and humid, and very blah.

Maybe I'll knit.

EDITED TO ADD: Well, my neighbor's couch came before my neighbors had to leave, so my reason for being stuck at home didn't pan out. Ran over to the plumbing supply store and put in my order for a brand-spankin'-new everything. Yeeesh. It all came to about the same dollar total as my little Hyundai was 6 years ago. Oh, well. The master bath is arguably one of the most used rooms in the house, so it's a good investment. Between that errand and the window unit a/c I just put in the dining room, I think I've been productive enough today to warrant some knitting and wine time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It all came to about the same dollar total as my little Hyundai was 6 years ago.

Ouch! We're hoping to re-do our master bath this year, but I'm still shell-shocked from what it cost to do the main bath 2 years ago. Life here in the Hudson Valley is alot of things, but "inexpensive" sure isn't one of them!

Love reading your blog! It's got me wanting to add a front porch to the house!