I found out earlier this week that one of our new LYSs has a Friday morning knit-thingy. So I decided to venture out. I hung out with the shop owner (she knows me as her "stalker" from the Ravelry days before her shop opened, and she's still very nice to me) and the store manager. I had a great time, just knitting and talking, but alas if I had realized that the LAST ROW I'd knit the other night contained not one but SIX mistakes, I could have fixed them easily. But dangit, I knit along like a happy girl, and I didn't realize until four rows later that I missed 6 yarnovers. I've fixed non-yarnover-ing before, but not six in the same proximity. The yarn was getting a little tight, and I realized - hey - it's only four rows. Let me focus when I get home, create a new lifeline, and rip back. I'll take care of that this weekend. In the meantime, I went for a walk around New Paltz.
I'd kind of half-planned this already, but the timing was impeccable. Back in July, I promised myself I'd do something as reward for the MS ride. Since the bike ride left us too tired to care about anything except for getting a shower and some beer, I've been waiting for my reward ever since. And today, thanks to Chris at Art & Soul III, I did it.

How very fun! Happy early birthday! I am currently making Connor's cake. I can't believe he turns 4 tomorrow. We find ourselves shaking our heads and counting our blessings. I hope you have a great birthday weekend!
Hurrah!!! Lovely! Did you know that Rob had both traguss (Tragi?) pierced? Hee! I love yours!
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